About Me

My Way Of Health & Life

Hello, I’m Susan and I help Chronic Pain sufferers reduce pain so that they can enjoy life again. My life’s goal has always been aimed at helping people reduce the massive suffering consistent with Chronic Pain. I developed a high sense of empathic frustration seeing people suffering with Chronic Pain and being unable to live and enjoy life to the fullest.
I have spent years seeing people undiagnosed, misdiagnosed and have under appreciated issues, including my own Father. This in turn lit a fire in me and handed me a life of motivation, which put me firmly on the journey to establish the root cause of a person’s pain and disability.
In 2010 my dad had radiotherapy to shrink a tumour on his spine. A short course of physio followed, but he was having to use a walking stick as he was still not walking well, he couldn’t feel his feet (peripheral neuropathy) and his balance was bad.
I was not happy and neither was my dad. Anyone who knows me will tell you that I am like a dog with a bone – I will NOT give up trying to figure out how to help someone. I went in search of new techniques – neuro-muscular facilitation, myofacia-tissue massage, mind-body awareness, muscle testing and bio-feedback, amongst others.
I fed these new modalities back into my work with clients and with my dad, integrating them with, and developing new ways of using, tried and tested fitness techniques.
I developed The ACE Protocol© and started formulating customisable treatment schedules for a massive variety of various conditions and I got fantastic results.
Not only did my dad walk unaided again, he even got back to playing bowls! And I was getting amazing results with many of my other clients too. (For example: one of my long-term clients – an MS sufferer – gave birth quickly and easily, much to the astonishment of her midwives – MS sufferers can experience nerve damage, which reduces the ability to push during labour.)
Sadly for my family, my Dad’s cancer returned and, in 2014, he passed away. It matters a great deal to me that I helped him regain his mobility and get back to many of the activities he enjoyed.
This is something about which I care passionately – for all of us – that we can all have a better quality of life, into old age, than most of us think we can…. Ageing does not have to mean seizing up!!.
The Douglas Method™ is driven by passion.
I care that many people are not being given the support and advice they need to improve their physical health (and that the internet is a mess of conflicting, wrong and sometimes downright dangerous information).
I love my job – It is what gets me out of bed in the morning, knowing that I am going to help someone and improve their quality of life.
Susan Douglas
Helping YOU to alleviate chronic pain and discomfort in many conditions to include but not limited to Osteoporosis, Bursitis, Fibromyalgia, Frozen Shoulder, Chronic Pain, MS, Arthritis, Joint Hypermobility Syndrome, Sciatica, Back Pain and Joint Pain, Rehabilitation and many others.
A fundamental system which incorporates The ACE Protocol (c) to Analyse the root cause, Correct it and Educate to stop re-occurence.
It is my life goal to develop and share treatments schedules for chronic pain, created by many conditions. To help educate you, together with any medical professionals you rely on to diagnose your health and your family who helps you too.

Health Consultant




Since 2002 I have trained and assessed upwards of 200 Pilates Instructors and Fitness Instructors. Again, what I love about this is imparting knowledge and understanding – helping instructors-in-training develop professionally – not just filling them with facts.
- BA in Professional Development (University of Dundee) – Lecturing and Assessing.
- Certificate in Teaching Qualification Further Education (TQFE) from the University of Dundee
- Back Pain Level 4 REPS
- GP Referral Level 3 REPS
- Advanced Instructor Level 3 REPS
- Pilates Matwork Level 3
- Pilates Healthy Back, Pilates in Pregnancy, Pilates Seniors
- RSA – Exercise to Music
- ITEC Diploma in Anatomy, Physiology and Body Massage
- Jing Advanced Clinical Massage
- Practitioners Certificate in Myofascia Release (CTHA)
- ASA (Amateur Swimming Assoc.) Aquafit Teacher Certificate
- YMCA Certificate in Resistance Training
- YMCA Certificate in Cardiovascular Machine Training
- Keiser Indoor Cycling Instructor Certificate
- Aero Skip Sports Ltd Instructor Certification
- Reiki – First Degree in Usui System of Natural Healing
- HNC and HND in Health and Fitness
- From 2004-2009, I lectured in Pilates at The Pilates Institute (now Pilates Precision) in London
- During that time I was invited to run a “train the trainer” course at the internationally recognised South African Exercise Training Academy, and to train and mentor one of the lecturing staff at the Pilates Institute in Dusseldorf, Germany – the birthplace of Joseph Pilates
- I’ve undertaken research into the effects of massage stimulation on muscle function for MS sufferers – with good results
- I’ve taught on NVQ, NC and HNC courses through colleges, trained through private training providers and mentored a student through Level 2/3 UKCC in Sports Coaching Techniques
- In 2006, I designed a Pilates workshop for the Scottish Disabled Athletic Team, after being recommended to them
- I’ve recently (2013) completed a BA in Professional Development through Dundee University and currently I’m investigating doing a PhD researching certain aspects of the Douglas Method
- For the last 12 months or so I’ve been recording the Douglas Method and designing/developing a practitioner training syllabus and master-classes. (If you are interested in training with the Douglas Method, please click below to get in touch and find out more